(512) 494-5560

Dear customers,

As permited by law we reopened our doors on May 8th, but you must make an appointment for service and must wear protective mask before entering the salon.

  • Call or text when you arrive to open the door for you.
  • Be by yourself, no companions inside the salon (only if it is children under the age of 18 yrs)
  • Upon entering, we need to ask you to wash your hands and
  • A seat will be assigned for you
  • A COVID questionnaire must be completed
  • No pets are allowed

Thank you for your understanding,

Yolis Hair Salon

Queridos clientes,

Según lo permitido por la ley, abriremos nuestras puertas el 8 de mayo, pero debe hacer una cita para el servicio y debe usar una máscara protectora y guantes antes de ingresar al salón.

Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto cuando llegue para abrirle la puerta.
Gracias por su comprensión,

Yolis Hair Salon
